Friday, May 22, 2020

Welcome to the Herrin Micro

This blog will follow my progress of building a micro layout of a scene located in Herrin, Illinois. This micro layout fits in a space of 493 square inches, and will be in HO scale. The layout baseboard will be made from foamcore using a clipboard method originally developed by Chris Ellis.

A special "thank you" to Terry Redeker for the use of the photo. This photo shows the Crab Orchard and Egyptian (COER) 1136 switching cars at the Maytag plant. The very scene I wish to model!

Please be sure to visit Terry's wonderful rail video and photography page on Facebook at...

Thanks again, Terry!

Tom Conboy


  1. Just found your podcast, it’s great! Looking forward to learning more about micro layouts. I have an 8x14 room available that I have tried to find a track plan for but I found that I was really trying to squeeze in too large a layout to be comfortable in that space. Thankfully while still in the planning stage which has been enjoyable in itself I happened upon micro layouts which then lead me to you, and some others. I’m a podcast junky as well so that didn’t hurt anything finding yours. I’m really into On30 which should work well for micro layouts. Looking forward to seeing what you do and how. Thanks! Eddie

    1. Thank you very much, Eddie! I have been kicking around a few ideas for an On30 micro, but I need to get more equipment. Would love to see what you come up with for a On30 micro!
